
Ski lift Dunat – located in front of the village of Kornić, between the city of Krk and Punat on the island of Krk. Over 400 m2 of the facility above the sea is located at the start of the ski lift, with a restaurant, board shop and sunbathing terrace, so the majority of visitors spend entire days here enjoying the relaxing summer atmosphere. . For more information www.wakeboarder.hr

Marina Punat

Founded in 1964., the oldest marina in Croatia. Located in a protected bay, protected from the winds. Marina Punat has won a number of significant awards and has been acknowledged many times as the best Croatian marina. A three-time consecutive winner of the best Croatian marina award in 2008., 2009., 2010. For more information www.marina-punat.hr/en/

Heritage of Island Krk

Košljun, The island of Krk abounds in various types of cultural and historical heritage, and it is an undisputable fact that religious institutions, mainly communities of friars, have played a great role in the preservation of the cultural heritage. Besides the Franciscan monastery and church, on the islet of Košljun there are also a collection of ethnographic and religious items and a library of rarities. And, here, in this oasis of peace, is also the eternal resting place of Katarina Frankopan, one of the most famous members of the Frankopan family. The religious art collection is part of the unique religious complex encompassing the Basilica of St. Quirinus (Bazilika Sv. Kirina), the patron saint of the city of Krk, the Church of St. Margaret (Crkva Sv. Margarete) and the three-nave Cathedral of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary (Katedrala uznesenja Marijina).
For more information: www.kosljun.hr
End your tour of the treasuries of the island’s past in the Sepen Cove near Omišalj, home to an Old-Christian basilica from the 5th century (probably the largest such basilica in the Mediterranean region) and the remnants of the Roman settlement called Fulfinum, the city of Roman veterans, whose discovery in the 1970s put new light on the achievements of ancient civilizations.
For more information: www.tz-njivice-omisalj.hr

The Baska tablet

The Baška Tablet is a national monument of culture of the Croatian represents an original Glagolitic inscription, an official document chiselled in 13 line of text  containing details about donation of the Croatian King Zvonimir (1075-1089) to St. Lucy’s church, where the Baška tablet was found embedded into the church pavement. The tablet was found in1851, thanks to Peter DORČIĆ, a Baška cleric. About the Baška tablet and the Glagolitic alphabet learn more on www.azjurandvor.com


Krk  is a Croatian island in the northern Adriatic Sea, located near Rijeka in the Bay of Kvarner and part of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County.

For many years, Krk has been thought to be the largest Adriatic island, with an area of 405.78 km2 (156.67 sq mi), although recent measurements now give the neighboring island of Cres an equal surface area. Krk is the most populous Adriatic island, with numerous towns and villages that contain a total of 19,383 (2011) inhabitants.


Glagolitic script about the letter, wheel, road & traveler …

Vrbnik is a fount of Glagolitic script, world champion in number of Glagolitic monuments, a place where you always nurtured Glagolitism …

“Script discovers a bit of Eternal Light in man, it is a heavenly order and a language of ideas, reading the sky and detect symbols”.

This is a sign soaked theological and archetypal meanings and also stave for Glagolitic letters that are enrolled in vrbnik holiest chapter Glagolitic. Some other wheels brought to Vrbnik and Vrbnik’s Wheel on a journey through space and time, but also around the – around the labyrinth of Vrbnik’s narrow streets, where every little house and gutter are letters which we read the city …

Holders of the Croatian-Glagolitic heritage in Vrbnik and Krk were Vrbnik Glagolitic priests. It is known that the village Archdiocese in Vrbnik was regularly very numerous. In the liturgy as well as in public and private life were used exclusively in the Croatian language and Glagolitic script. From Vrbnik has emerged the largest number of manuscripts, not only liturgical (missals, breviaries, …), but also others, among which occupy various collections and Glagolitic notary books. Throughout history, many of these manuscripts disappeared, but with all that to this day has preserved about 105 Glagolitic texts that were created in Vrbnik or in any way connected with Vrbnik; kept in Vrbnik or in world libraries (Zagreb, Rome, Moscow, Oxford and elsewhere).

In support of this we will cite here a few historical data. For example, deacon Luka in 1445, wrote Mirror (located in the Vatican Library iliir. 9) – “pop to Gregory in Vrbnica” (Antiquities 33, 202); žakan Blaz Baromić wrote in Vrbnik pop Mavar of 1460 years. They were written and probably I Vrbnik breviary (13-14. C., The oldest preserved Glagolitic codex Croatian redaction), brevijaria fragments from the 13th century, II Vrbnik breviary from the 14th century., III Vrbnik breviary from the 15th century. And II Vrbnik Missal from 1462, which is decorated with beautiful initials and miniatures. Code Dialog St. Pope Gregory and St. Augustine (17th c.) Was written in Vrbnik. Pop Gregory Žašković wrote in 1526 Vrbanski Vrbnik (Krk) statute. Omišaljski navigable said during the visitation in 1617 that gave rewrite catechism in Vrbnik. More info on www.ancientscripts.com/glagolitic.htm

Vrbnik statut

Frankopan dukes were the most powerful Croatian medieval noble family from Vrbnik, from which they originated. In the town they had the Duke’s palace and Bacin court and two castles, one near the ruins of the church of St. Maurus on the same hill and castle on the outskirts of Graz Vrbničkog fields.

Mutual relations Vrbničkog the people were governed by customary law, but already distant 1388.god. Mrs. Frankopan, who are from 1118th to 1480th year were real masters of the island, gave to compile and write Vrbnik Statute. The statute is a collection of rules that are partly related to the whole island of Krk, and partly just to Vrbnicka municipality. The statute is composed June 15 1388.god. when the delegates arrived in Krk Frankopan princes and famous men of Krk other municipalities to jointly draw up this important document. Today Vrbnik, is important source of medieval law. It also bears witness to the civilization development of the Krk citadel and was written in the Glagolitic script and the Croatian language. More info on www.wikiwand.com/en/Vrbnik_Statute

Cave Biserujka

Rudine The existence of the cave near Rudine above Slivanjska bay is known  for over a hundred years when its interior (with former entrance in the form of pits!) hid and attracted attention for unknown mystery and beauty of its calcite decorations. From the story that there was hidden treasure of a smuggler in her, up to the first curious visitors, gradually were widening its passes and people were moving more freely. Light brought a significant rise of interest in the rich galleries with numerous stalactites, stalagmites and calcite columns. With a length of about 110 m the cave interior is truly breathtaking with its beauty and interesting shapes exposed. The temperature in the cave through whole year is from 10 to 13C, and occasional dripping from the ceiling and moisture occur only after long periods of rain. Maintained and safe paths through the cave are accessible to everyone – from children to the elderly.
More on www.spilja-biserujka.com.hr

The narrowest street in the world

Peace of many coastal towns, have ensured their narrow streets. They were made according to the requirements of another time, so today they cannot be passed by cars. Some streets cannot be passed by any types of engines, some of them in Vrbnik alley, cannot pass either all men. Within the streets of the place to the right, you will find statements by locals, the narrowest street in the world. Gršković passage at house number 14 lays another passage called “gutter”.


Cycling Most of the hiking trails on the island can also be used as cycling trails. ‘Spring on Wheels’, an event which aims to promote the bike paths suitable for day trips on scooters, bikes and quads, and ‘I love autumn – Bodul bike’, a recreational bike ride on walkways of the town of Krk with suitable entertainment program. Apart from that they stretch along the coast, on  paths called lungomare, bike paths also breach into internal part of the island along  traffic roads. Along the new reconstructed road from Krk to Malinska there has been built a bicycle path, separated with a green belt. It extends from a turn to Valbiska to the entrance of the town of Krk.
For interactive map see the link.